Everyone Loves To Laugh!
And they will ALL laugh when they hear you've got NEIL HAMBURGER in the house!!!
Yes, it is true, the world loves to laugh. Neil Hamburger has made that his job for many, many years. In fact, Neil recently stated that it was his "mission as an entertainer." So what better way is there to make your party-guests happy than by bringing the WORLD'S FUNNYMAN to perform at or MC your special event. Neil is available, if you can pay him. He is now being booked by CAA. Contact Andrew Skikne at the link below. (SOMEWHERE ON THIS PAGE) Neil could also make a short video greeting for your wedding if that's all you want. NOTE: If you are trying to get hold of Neil Hamburger's management for NON-BOOKING related issues, that e-mail is management@americasfunnyman.com
And all you club-owners, don't forget: Neil is headed in your direction!
He is alway travelling. So if you have a nightclub, casino, or pizza-parlor, what better way to bring in patrons than with an internationally-known comedian like NEIL HAMBURGER, who is probably soon to be in your area, and looking for work. So get in touch with his booking agents and I'm sure you can work something out for next time. NEIL COULD ALSO MAKE A SPECIAL VIDEO FOR YOUR WEDDING, IF YOU PAID HIM.
Contact Neil's Booking Agents - UTA (BOOKING INQUIRES ONLY)
Shows Needed!
Neil Hamburger recently spoke to this site's Webmaster and Designer, long-time FAN and FRIEND Boni Jergen, who is currently enrolled as and English and Computer Design major at Mesa Community College and who has won awards in class for her web designs. Neil said that he was having computer problems. But he also said that he needed to get some sort of break, "soon". As you mostly know, the entertainemnt business is hard, according to Neil also. Neil also told Boni that he needed to find more bookings and perhaps this website could Help. Says NEIL HAMBURGER's booking agents in an exclusive interview with Boni Jergen: "We are especially interested in the higher-paying CASINO and INDUSTRY SHOWCASE gigs. But at this point we will accept anything." If you have a venue, and you want someone to "BRING THE HOUSE DOWN": contact Neil! He's always looking for a booking. You can see that by his busy schedule. Hurry up and contact him.
One of Neil's Many Top-Selling Albums That He Might Tell Jokes From At Your Special Event